Purchasing a lot to build a home is something that you can easily do without a real estate agent. If the lot is for sale by owner, or you want to try to get the lot for lower than asking, a real estate attorney can do the paperwork for you.
There is a lot less to worry about when you are purchasing a lot than when you are purchasing a home. Here are some of the reasons why you might want to use a real estate attorney.
Save Money
The real estate agent will bill you for the time they have going over the paperwork and finalizing the sale of the property. This means you will only have to pay for:
- Real estate commission for a second realtor in the sale price
- Appraisals
- Inspection
The lawyer isn't going to want a percentage of the sale price of the property, and if there is already an agent on the property, they may be willing to negotiate their commission on the sale.
Less Hassle
The real estate attorney doesn't care what the sale price of the property is. They aren't trying to help out a real estate firm or make commission like an agent would be. The attorney will just go through the details of the property and look at all the documents and help you get the sale done as quickly as possible. This means less hassle and going back and forth.
Get Important Information
The real estate attorney doesn't have anything to gain from the sale of the property, so they are going to look for things like:
- Tax liens
- Deed restrictions
- Lot concerns
They are going to dig through the history of the property and gather the most imperative information you need to know so you can be sure that you can use the property for what you want after you purchase it.
When you find a lot that you want to buy, you can forgo meeting with real estate agents, going through showings, and then negotiating back and forth with agents. Instead, talk with a real estate attorney and get the lot that you want quickly and without hassle. The agent will make sure that the property is legally buyable, and that you will be able to build a house, add a pole barn, or do whatever you want with it.
For more information about working with a real estate attorney, contact a local law firm.